Main Menu Screen

Hideaway main portal used to teleport player to play area (Town)

Blueprint of portal effect

Main Player Area (Town) Layout

When player crouches, screen turns to black and white using a post processing volume. The enemy AI's also change material to a transparent ghost like look as well as now showing a path of their positions. Along with this, the audio also is altered with the sound effects becoming muffled except for the enemies footsteps get louder.

This video demonstrates the audio effect applied when crouched

AI Behavior Tree used by all enemies

Blueprint of enemy AI. The enemy is only able to chase player if they can both see the player using AI Perception and if the player is lower then a certain height, allowing the player to walk across the wooden beams above.

Once the player collects the last ring, the portal to return to the hideout is enabled with a camera blend to show where it is. Once active, the player is able to return back to the hideaway.

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